
may day: 28-31

Is it wrong that I'm kinda glad May is over (tomorrow)?

It has nothing to do with taking pictures every day, or the workload, the weather, or anything complainy.

I think it's just the idea of something shiny and new, a breath of fresh air. Inspire me, please?

Also, I'd like to see less office donuts.

The end (of May days.)


may day: 26 & 27

Been seeing lots of green and gray.



may day: 21, 2, 3

Got my feet dirty in the garden, last weekend. They were washed instantly.

Miss Kitty doesn't like to get her feet dirty.

Outwit Grand Moff Tarkin- Spin again.


may day: 20

I got myself a red t-shirt the other day, which happened to remind me of my mom. For years, she has told me that I look good in red.. meanwhile, I always found it to be a rather intimidating -and cautionary- color. I think of red in a different way, I guess, I haven't figured it out. Still, there is something about it that I'm trying to get to know.

When I was a kid, mom used to get my sister and I to pose in our new threads to show off how good we looked. Not one for modelling in front of the camera, it was typically the same tedious process. First, I'd attempt to play oblivious to her requests and look away from the camera at just the right time, which would result in a harsh tsk and a few choice words. Once the layer of guilt for not cooperating with a simple request was laid flat, I'd give her the seriousness she was looking for. Well, maybe a little too intense, but hey.. I'm no super model. Sorry mom, but I did my best and forced out the best Cover Girl smile I could. A bit much? Never.


may day: 19

For a while now I have been thinking about going away for a bit, to think, to explore, to shut out the world even just for a couple of days. My mind is everywhere lately and I kinda want to slow it down and whisk it away to someplace pretty, maybe so that we can make our way back on to speaking terms.

It's been a long time since I've thought much about myself, and maybe I still feel a bit selfish about it. I kinda want to dig around, trust myself, and pull something out of it. What? I don't know. I am not looking for anything in particular. Maybe some extra pieces of myself, to remind me of who I am and why I'm cool. Cool like this polka-dot kitty from Cookie Mama.


may day: 18 ..where am I?

Where can I find this natural harmony you speak of? It's been a busy month. Enough that I am totally slacking on bloggerizing. Gotta get back on that.

When I'm tired, sometimes I put my angry eyebrows on. I call this piece "Me and my bitch." Wut.


may day: 14-16

A very random tryptic.


may day: 12 &13

When it comes to my birthday some might think I don’t take full advantage of the opportunity to make it extra special. The truth is that my idea of special is kinda different -or maybe a little low key. So, what? It's "my day."

I wore my favorite shirt, brought my dog to work, drank my favorite tea, listened to my favorite jazz ladies while I worked; in between garbage pizza, ice cream cake, and pop. I played some ball in the back yard, got a lap dance from Tim (referring to how my cat likes to snuggle), read a little, wrote a lot, took some time to do nothing at all, had a shower, used my favorite soap, ate a magnificent sandwich and called it a day.

Yes, it was just fine. Happy Birthday to me!


may day: 10, 11

Hello, Cookie Mama. Where oh where was I when you came along? Gluten and dairy free cookies and cupcakes? What, did you say? Your Jamaican patties are divine as well? You don't say. You'll have to speak more clearly, I can't quite hear you over my screaming thighs. *I ate a RocketMan cupcake. Cookie Mama, you win.

On the topic of sweetness, let's just smile warmly at Tim.


may day: 9

Sometimes, I like to draw ladies with long necks, just for fun.


may day: 8

Though I'm not super pumped to see a group of weeds growing in my garden, at the moment, I will admit that it is nice to see that there are signs of green life, outside.

This made me think a lot about my garden and how much I am anticipating the summer to come. I got myself some seeds, and am thinking about how I'm going to approach it this time around. It needs to expand. More room for more peas(!) and maybe a raspberry bush? Hmm.


may day: 6 & 7

So I may have slacked off on posting yesterday, but I did do the exercise. Friday's treat- of a Chachi's sandwich- was so worth the wait. Apparently, they have amazing macaroni and cheese. I'm all about the crunchy pickle as a side. So good!

Speaking of exercise, Breakfast went for his first swim today. He did awesome. My face hurts from laughing. He was pretty nervous for the most part, but may have some competition for Michael Phelps.


may day: 5

Someone looks cute in their new collar.

Thanks, mom.


may day: 4

Sometimes, I have a really short fuse and would rather just go to bed and call it a day before the day is even over. Sometimes, for no good reason, I want to cross my arms and pout it out because it sounds like the best solution. Sometimes, I just don't feel like doing anything. Sometimes I don't understand why I'm in one of these moods to begin with. It's allowed, without any explanation.


may day: 3

A photo a day for the month of May. A snippet of inspiration for an upcoming project.. in the month of May. Can't wait to see the finished result.


may day: 2

Not quite the same deer I was hoping to spot...but at least the logo is cute.


may day: 1

You can't really complain when May starts off with an iced green tea. I don't quite trust that we've seen the last of winter, since it happens to snow on or before my birthday every year, but hey... let's not ruin the moment.

Clinky glasses to May.