
winter blues

When I'm feeling grumpy, I like to listen to one of my favorite Lous.
(I have a few, including Armstrong and Costello.)

Louis Prima, NYC, c.1940 by Murray Korman, Frank Driggs collection

Louis Prima's Just a Gigalo is probably my most popular song for winter dancing, these days. He's the voice of King Louis, from the Jungle Book. His voice is jazzy and makes my shoulders bounce.  If you're feeling a little  down about not being able to go outside, get up and shake it off. I can't resist.
I love this man, for brightening my days.  


part 2

After a passive-aggressive approach to voicing my frustrations, running around with a measuring tape, mathematizing the angles of our hypotenuse, and a few assertive phone calls; it looks like we have a Couch Day: Part 2 lined up for this upcoming weekend. I'm not getting too excited, because I'm not feeling totally confident, due to last week's outcome (and treatment.) I'm prepared for anything to go wrong, and I don't feel I need to stress about it until we see what happens. I just hope that we can actually get things up here, for us to sit on and enjoy as planned.

Shorty still tries his best to look out the window, when the neighbour's cat is outside. 

I was pleased to receive a personal apology from management, and a $150 in cred. not only because of how I was treated, but in case things don't work out in my favor. I certainly don't want to have to purchase a different couch, but I will be looking for a backup should I need to admit defeat. I appreciated the consideration to this issue. If it actually does work out, and I get the couch I want, I won't be getting new furniture any time soon. Not after this.

In other news, my place is being pulled apart, literally, and I'm actually quite happy about it (minus the mess involved.) I've always disliked my bathroom, because of the holes in the walls, from picking at the plumbing, so I'm glad to see it get a bit of a face lift. I'm also glad someone is actually fixing things here, without me having to complain to anyone about it. I think once this week is over, and things are in place, a nice hot bath may be in order.

Will keep you posted on Couch Day Part 2. 


ice haiku

Ice covered sidewalks,
remind me of the circus.
A balancing act

frost haiku

Frost covered morning,
winter left a reminder,
said his name is Jack

winter haiku

I get winter blues
though I do appreciate
seasonal changes


something new: january

On a more positive note -from the post below- I am starting an intro to meditation today. It's down the street (20 blocks) at the library. I'm very curious to see what it's about.

I'm looking to learn how to shut off. My mind works so hard on every little thing it explores, that I find myself feeling more agitated and distracted with my days. I've made a promise to myself to figure out how to stop, slow down, rest, and escape. I imagine it's very rewarding to do so.

Escape my busy mind. One of many resolutions to explore this year.

dear doug leon,

I suppose it works out that I start meditation class today, when the outcome of Couch Day was incredibly poor. We don't have a couch, nor do we know when we'll be getting a couch. Am I upset? Not totally, actually, because I half expected something was going to happen, like maybe a no-show, or the wrong item being delivered (like last time)... but not this.

The plus of my weekend was getting a new toilet, on Friday. Plumber left a tool behind and broke one of my belongings. I think it's only fair that I keep these.

I received a phone call quite early in the morning, with a gruff voice message telling me that things were coming my way in the late afternoon. I was patient, I waited, I might have paced a little, and maybe pre-celebrated -during breakfast- that it was Couch Day at last. I'd been looking forward to it for months. I really couldn't help it.

How long until we're off the floor? 

When my delivery men arrived, I could tell that one of them smelled a little bit too much like my grandpa; which happens to be of the alcoholic variety. This didn't make me feel very comfortable, considering this person was going to be handling an expensive item that I've already paid for, in full. He looked around my place, and instantly he was growling,"no, we can't get it up here." He shook his head and said some words under his breath. This wasn't going to end well, I could tell.

Getting a couch up into an attic is no easy task, I understand, but I don't feel that things were even remotely considered. One guy was actually quite eager to do the problem solving, suggesting we move the washer dryer outside, temporarily, to make room for maneuvering; while the other guy shook his head no and gave me some ideas and what he thought I should do. "Get a sectional" or "get the love seat" because he felt it was impossible to get my "largest model in the warehouse" couch upstairs. Excuse me? Am I missing something?

Just a recap of how humongous this couch is for an average size person. What was I thinking, right?

I did the measuring before hand, and even sorted out the Math in angles and door space. It wasn't impossible, someone just didn't want to try because really, who wants to move a couch with a hangover? If this person was actually making sense that the model I'd ordered was SO large, why didn't my original customer service rep tell me "this is our largest model, and it doesn't fit through standard doorways." How do they make sales on any couch, if 35" height/depth is too large for a regular size doorway? It's a Science I'm trying to comprehend. Send a man to the moon, success. Move a couch up a set of stairs, impossible. My bad, @leonsfurniture.

Positive note: Breakfast got his icky stitches out, yesterday. He is doing just fine, even if he has to sit on the floor.

I felt really uncomfortable listening to the suggestions coming from the drunken direction. Scrap this couch I've paid for? Get a refund? Settle for a smaller, or more expensive model, or a LARGER couch (sectional)? A love seat? No, that's not what I wanted. I called customer service to discuss my options, and it turns out I can't refund my money, or downsize with a store credit, even if I wanted to. I could however, get a couch of equal or GREATER value. Oh good, because that's what I wanted, to spend more money on shit service. *that was sarcasm, for you slow ones out there. It doesn't always translate in writing.*

Angry faces are in my sketchbook.

I eventually told the delivery guys to leave, because by that point, I was feeling really in the way of their time. It lasted a mere 15 minutes, and they seemed incredibly rushed, because I'm guessing they only get a two hour window to sort out their moving plan. You'd think they'd show up with more than a half an hour before my window of time was up. That's fair, right? So much for free delivery. The only thing free about it is the value in service. I felt like an idiot for purchasing this couch. I still do. That part of the equation is very wrong. This is not how a business should treat its customers.

Jesse told me to imagine there's a Doug Leon, who runs Leon's. I made him suffer for ruining Couch Day. Therapeutic. 

After a lot of unnecessary stress, arguing, phone calls, sassy emails, and attempting to rectify the situation, I decided to just give it a rest until I really figure out what I'm going to do to get this couch into my living room. I can't say I'm feeling all that confident, though it's neat how fast customer service can reply to your complaints on the internet when you hashtag and at-mention their company name and how upset they've made you. See example below.

Kiss it, Leon's. 

I just want a couch @leonsfurniture. I don't quite understand why I'm left here to pay for someone else's poor attitude and service. I realize you are not a moving service, but you'd think that a delivery service would know a thing or two about stairs and doorways. I suppose I'll make some phone calls today to see what the next step is, and listen to the song "there's no place like #leonsfurniture" while I'm put on hold again for who knows how long. Thanks for the wonderful service. **Again, that's sarcasm. You guys should know this by now.

Did I mention that I'm excited to meditate today?


couch day

In my house, this Saturday will be dubbed Couch Day. 

It's a pretty exciting day, because it has been almost 5 months since I resorted to sitting on the floor. I sold my love seat when I moved out of my flooded basement, last year; so since then, we have been couchless. It hasn't been so bad, thanks to my trusty old floor cushion ... which often gets stolen by a certain someone.

Not having a couch has made for some interesting arrangements, from blankets on the floor; to lugging my bed to the middle of the room, for movie nights. It's been fun, but I'm ready to keep things in their proper place. Order makes me happy

It's usually pretty tough for me to spend so much money on things for myself, but I suppose it felt somewhat rewarding to make such a purchase, because I worked very long and hard for it... and it's a functional item. Score.

I'm excited to see what Breakfast will think of the new couch, when it arrives, since it'll allow him to see outside. No more standing on tippy-toes, to spy on the next door neighbour's cat. This may or may not be a good thing. We don't know yet.

Either way, Couch Day is coming!


good for you

A fat chickadee that I made with paint, pencil crayon, and ink. 

I've been doing a lot more in my sketchbook these days, and I'm really enjoying it. I started playing with my paints and pencil crayons, just to see what happens. It's been a long time.

Winifred Banks, from Mary Poppins 

I'm going to keep at this, because I like what I'm coming up with; when I'm not looking to come up with anything at all. When things are less about purpose, I find them much more enjoyable.

George Banks, from Mary Poppins 

I watched Saving Mr.Banks the other day, and couldn't help but love it. I've always been a Poppins fan, even if Mr.Banks looks a little too much like Adolf Hitler.

I asked for a noun on FB, and this happened. I was given the words: light, button fly, book, octopus, oligarchy, and labia. So the illustration turned out to be Madame Octopus, reading about oligarchy in the Daily Clam, wearing her light blue wig, with a button fly hair pin. Makes perfect sense to me.

I highly recommend playing in your sketchbook more often. Especially if it is to design monster toys.


lump day

Vet called today, and I'm happy to say that Breakfast's mysterious lump turned out to be histiocytoma, a benign tumor. Apparently, quite common in his breed. He's on the mend, finishing up the last of his pain meds, with stitches coming out in a week or so. My boy is gonna be just fine. 


little lump

Took a little trip to the vet this weekend, to get a little lump removed from Breakfast's side. It's funny, I have called him "my little lump" since he was a puppy, because of the numerous lumps and bumps he has all over his face. This lump was different, and came out of nowhere; so we had it taken off to be tested for some answers. 

I'm not convinced it's anything to be concerned about, but of course the worry of possibilities has crossed my mind. Breakfast turns 4 this year, and I'm not convinced he'll be slowing down anytime soon. Lump? What lump? I'm just glad to see this one in front of me. 


winter haiku

Despite how bitter
the stillness of the season
brings a sense of peace.


warm thoughts

It's pretty cold out there.
Hope you're keeping warm, under plenty of blankets, with loads of snuggles.... and toots.


day 1 of 14

On the first day of the year, we decided to go on a bit of an adventure. 

It was too cold outside to wander around, so we grabbed some coffee and hot food.
I got a bowl of soup, because I feel like I'm getting a cold. It hit the spot.

We may have gotten sidetracked by Lego.

We built one another. Turned out we both went for a nautical theme.

Next, we decided to fill our brains, at the Telus World of Science. 

I got photobombed by a Science fish.

Now that I've started my year off with Science, I will be relaxing with some tea and waiting for what the next day has in store. Happy New Year!

Resolution: Make more adventures.