

I'm home today, with what seems to be a touch of food poisoning. I'm not feeling too badly at the moment, other than a bit drained from being awake at 4am with a tummy ache, and I may even be a bit hungry now that my stomach is completely empty. Oog. I figure I'll take advantage of my time and do some work, in between naps on the couch with Breakfast. Days like this are somehow enjoyable, underneath the grossness of it all. I'm on the mend, and ready to continue tackling my animation project (which I've been working on for over a month now) when my strength returns. I have a lot to write about, in regards to the process and what I've learned about myself. It's pretty neat what a new challenge can bring. I hope you're tackling your own challenges too...just not the kind that keeps you in bed all day.

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