
For the Love of Character: Day 2

Mention the log driver, and I will most likely gasp in excitement, because he represents so many things that I love about Canadian culture, and of course (the National Film Board of Canada) animation.

The Log Driver's Waltz started off our Saturday mornings, back when cartoons were limited to just one glorious day. I remember looking forward to hearing the song and watching him dance, while eating my Cheerios, before the cartoon marathon kicked off. Ah, the nostalgia.

One of my favorite illustrations, by me

What I like about this character is that he's basically a graceful lumberjack. I always found that concept to be delightfully charming, and somewhat romantic in a way. Hmm, I never thought to consider that maybe I have a bit of a crush on this character. Well, I guess it's true what they say in the song...

The log driver's waltz pleases girls completely. 

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