
day 10: planning

It doesn't take long for us to take down the tree once Christmas is over, though there's this strange feeling of having to ask "is it over already?" Truth be told, I didn't really go all out this season, as my typical hobbies during the holidays are both baking and watching movies. I barely did much of either, and somehow I'm quite alright with that. Perhaps it marks a shift in change, which seems to be the theme for my hopes of next year.

Resolutions are more like pie crust promises to me (easily made, easily broken) but because I've been working on altering my reluctant nature by learning to respect myself as an individual, I have a few goals that I am looking forward to achieving in the new year. There are quite a few to be honest, but I think with developing patience and determination to believe in myself, it'll all work out in the end. I've already started the work, so I'm ahead of the game in some regard. It's attitude that also gets you to where it is that you need to be, and that's what I've been working on for months now as I slowly urge myself out of my shell. If you don't believe in what you do or want to do, you stay in one spot; and that is quite the summary of my year, this year.

There's no harm in saying that I wish to make next year better than this one, but there is a lot of work to be done in order to achieve that. Like our softly lit and relaxing Christmas tree that once stood in our living room, which I admired mainly on evenings by myself, I look to gain that inner glow and shine.

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